Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Schoolyard or NBA? This week it's hard to tell.

I was recently asked via Facebook if I was going to comment on the "LeBron James Decision". As I have no real interest in the NBA, the whole thing seemed like a huge ego-stroke to me, so I decided to wait until the REAL circus began.

The events that have unfolded since the July 8th "Look-At-Me-fest" run similar to the kid in the schoolyard who changes kickball teams to play with his friends, prompting the Captain of the team to say mean things about him, prompting a self-proclaimed leader and teacher to call the Captain names, until the Principal has to step in and scold everyone involved.

This little One Act play stars Lebron James as the kid, Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert as the Captain, Jesse Jackson as the teacher and NBA Commissioner David Stern as the Principal.

It amazes me how grown men - leaders in their professions and their communities - can't seem to grasp the simplest of life lessons..."Think before you speak!" And, LeBron and Dan, even if you can't get your self-absorbed minds around this concept, please spend some of the millions of dollars that you have accumulated over the years and employ a publicist, or marketer or communications guru to help you craft your message instead of flying like a blind moth into the seductive light of the camera.

As for Jesse...well, you have proven yet again that you are willing to trade any subject-matter knowledge for some face time. Not everything is a case of the white man keeping the black man down, as I don't think that a comparison of a multi-million dollar athlete to a slave holds any merit. How about sticking to the pursuit of civil rights and social justice on which your Rainbow Coalition was founded? You can start in the predominantly black Chicago neighborhood of Englewood, where gang members routinely shoot at anyone on the street, including police officers.

Unless you think that LeBron's millions are more important...

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